No single wolf is born with the weight of greatness upon their shoulders. One of the more appealing things about roleplaying is that it allows you to expand your imagination and with that, expand the story of your character. Many WolfSpirits long-time members play their characters for the span of their wolf’s natural life, sticking with their characters for years! Could you play your character for 11 years without getting bored? The wolves of WolfSpirits are like this too! Giving your character room to develop and change strengthens your bond with them. In the wild, no wolf is the same, each has their own personality and traits. Who doesn’t want to create an awesome, exciting character from the start: big rippling muscles, charismatic, killed 10 other wolves, and saved a pack in the process! While this might seem like the best way to make an interesting character, it makes for a very unimaginative wolf and limits your character’s possibilities for growth. This is probably one of the most overlooked sections when creating your character.